April 25

Lily jumped to her feet in a split-second and easily separated herself from James, who had his eyes narrowed.

"Don't mind me. I just wanted someplace quiet to study. I'll go to the Prefect’s lounge instead!"

"No! No! Stay!" Lily said hurriedly, ushering Lizzy back into the room, who tried to back her way back out.

"I don't believe I want to! Trust me, this is more embarrassing for me than it is for you. Trust me!"

"No, it's not." Lily assured her, and with a burst of strength, propelled the Head Girl to the couch.

"Lizzy, take a seat." James said dryly, speaking for the first time. "That was an accidental situation that won't happen again in your presence."

"Ohhhh. In my presence, eh? So how long have you two been seeing each other like this? You know, Frank doesn't have the slightest clue. You two are good at clandestine relationships."


"Just drop it."

Lizzy raised her eyebrows, but didn't say anything else at James's tone. Instead, she made faces at Lily or James whenever they looked up from the newspapers at her. When Lizzy yawned and stretched, and stood up, the not-couple turned to look at her appraisingly.

"Are you going to say anything?" Lily asked, smiling in a persuasive manner.

"Just maybe to Frank. But no one else." She waved jauntily, and glided out the door, a smile on her face.

"Oh dear God." James groaned. "My whole dorm will know."

"When your dorm knows, that pretty much means the whole school will know within the day."

"So we're screwed."

"I'd say." Lily fell back onto the papers, deciding it wouldn't hurt much. "I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"Kissing you, I shouldn't have."

"Don't worry about it, it was as much my fault as yours. Probably more, since I'm the corrupted pain in the arse of Hogwarts."

"You're only a pain some of the time. I'm going to bed, I doubt we'll have any breakthroughs tonight."

"You're right. I'm leaving too. May I escort you to Gryffindor Tower?"

"You may."