April 19

She entered the ward without enthusiasm, and was hit with an overwhelming sense of nausea. Blood drained from her face, and apparently from her brain as she started swaying. James reached out to steady her, appearing reluctant to make contact. "I was kidding about the bed thing."

"It smells in here. Like lemon cleaner and alcohol, and…cabbage?"

"Remedial potions are made with ground cabbage many times. Weak stomach?"

"And nose."

"How unfortunate. At least you can rule out medicine as a possible career path."

"Thanks for that mind-blowing declaration, I'm sure I would have never discovered that on my own."

"Sometimes I have my doubts about you." James led her to a bed in quite a professional manner, and left her for a minute, returning with the school nurse. He was apparently briefing her on Lily's 'case'.

"Miss Evans, just relax and I'll bring a scented candle to alleviate the smell."

"It's really not that big of a deal, it just takes a little to get used to it, I imagine, really, don’t bother with me, I-"

"Just shut up." James didn’t say it meanly, just very bluntly.

"Yes, I can see you'll go far in the medical field, you have got one whopper of a bedside manner. I don't want a scented candle." Lily pushed the candle away. "Doesn’t anyone find this utterly ridiculous? There isn't one blessed thing wrong with me, and scented candles are being shoved up my nose, but James who was mauled by a werewolf is standing there helping with the shoving of the said candle?"

"Excellent point." Madame Pomfrey turned expectantly toward James. "Mr. Potter? Please step behind a curtain and change into pajamas and choose a bed."

"What? I don't need to! I'm perfectly fine."

"Now, Potter."

James made a noise of disgust, but stomped behind a curtained partition all the same. Pomfrey was standing over him, healing various cuts and making tutting noises, Lily smiling innocently all the while, when Dumbledore, and Arabella Figg, Deputy Headmistress and head of Slytherin house came in with Severus Snape.

"Oh dear!" Madame Pomfrey flitted over to her new patient and started clucking over him, performing charms. "Students hold no regard for authority these days."

"We should be thankful Mr. Potter was there to save Mr. Snape." Dumbledore said, examing the two boys through his spectacles.